TV Reel

Alison Centofante Joins EWTN During March For Life 2022 Coverage
EWTN sits down with Alison Centofante during the 2022 March for Life coverage.

OP-ED: It's Time for the Supreme Court to Let States Protect Their Unborn Children
The truth is that our abortion laws are not only wrong; they are unscientific and backward. States deserve the right to protect their children.

OP-ED: Pastors, Don’t Miss This Moment To Save Lives and Make History
Pastors have helped end many of the gravest tragedies in human history by preaching countercultural truths that transform hearts and inspire action. We are once again at a critical moment in history that demands such bold leadership.

Alison Centofante joins Fox News To Discuss Missouri's Dangerous Abortion Facility
Alison Centofante joins Fox News’ Shannon Bream to discuss Missouri's last abortion clinic's failure to meet basic health regulations.